Test All The Things

Test on Netlify

May 06, 2015

You can run local Gatsby server and run Cypress tests on Netlify!

Yup, it just works.

I have set npm run deploy as the deploy command on Netlify.

Netlify deployment settings

The only trick is reinstall Cypress binary because while Netlify caches node_modules folder, it does not cache ~/.cache folder where the binary is placed. Here is the script command

"predeploy": "CI=1 npm i cypress; npm test",
"deploy": "npm run build"

tip I am using CI=1 environment variable to avoid terminal progress bar issues

Here is an example deployment of running the tests locally on Netlify. You can ignore the D-Bus warning

9:53:44 AM: Opening Cypress...
9:53:50 AM: ====================================================================================================
9:53:50 AM:   (Run Starting)
9:53:51 AM:   ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
9:53:51 AM:   │ Cypress:    3.0.1                                                                              │
9:53:51 AM:   │ Browser:    Electron 59 (headless)                                                             │
9:53:51 AM:   │ Specs:      1 found (spec.js)                                                                  │
9:53:51 AM:   └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
9:53:51 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
9:53:51 AM:   Running: spec.js...                                                                      (1 of 1)
9:53:51 AM: process 1836: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; ...
9:53:51 AM: See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.
9:53:54 AM:
9:53:56 AM:   ✓ works (1638ms)
9:53:56 AM:   1 passing (2s)
9:53:56 AM:   (Results)
9:53:56 AM:   (Screenshots)
9:53:56 AM:   - /opt/build/repo/cypress/screenshots/site.png (1280x720)
9:53:56 AM:   (Video)
9:53:56 AM:   - Started processing:   Compressing to 32 CRF
9:53:58 AM:   - Finished processing:  /opt/build/repo/cypress/videos/spec.js.mp4 (1 second)
9:53:58 AM: ====================================================================================================
9:53:58 AM:   (Run Finished)
9:53:58 AM:       Spec                                                Tests  Passing  Failing  Pending  Skipped
9:53:58 AM:   ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
9:53:58 AM:   │ ✔ spec.js                                   00:01        1        1        -        -        - │
9:53:58 AM:   └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
9:53:58 AM:     All specs passed!                           00:01        1        1        -        -        -
9:53:58 AM:
9:53:58 AM: > gatsby-starter-blog@1.0.0 deploy /opt/build/repo
9:53:58 AM: > npm run build
9:53:58 AM: > gatsby-starter-blog@1.0.0 build /opt/build/repo
9:53:58 AM: > gatsby build

Of course, Netlify is not a full CI, so it would be hard to see or download build artifacts like Cypress screenshots or video of the test run, or even configure Cypress binary caching. But it works ;)

Cypress logo

Deploy Gatsby to Netlify and test with Cypress.io before deployment (using Netlify itself) and after deployment (using CircleCI)